Instead of a brush, consider using the stem of an eggplant to grease the pan with ghee.
If possible, use a non-stick pan for the best results when making crepes or pancakes.
Begin by applying Ghee to a pan.
Pour one ladle full of Patishapta batter, and spread it evenly to create a round crepe.
Keep the flame low and lightly spread the ghee to ensure even cooking.
Cover the pan with a metal plate or lid and cook for one minute.
After opening the lid, the edges of the crepe should be crispy and the Patishapta should be cooked.
Use a spatula to loosen it from the pan and add 2 tablespoons of Patishapta filling.
Flip the crepe and roll it up to create a wrap.
Place the Taler Patishapta on a plate and repeat the process with the remaining batter and filling.